[目的]探讨人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)在血液病患者中的感染状况。[方法]共收集到血液病患者136例,应用酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)测定HCMV-IgG和HCMV-IgM,应用实时荧光定量—多聚酶链反应(real-time PCR)和细胞免疫组化染色法检测外周血白细胞中HCMV-DNA和HCMV-pp65抗原。[结果]血液病患者HCMV-IgG、HCMV-IgM、HCMV-DNA和HCMV-pp65阳性检出率分别为99.3%、2.2%、18.8%和12.5%。而健康对照组除HCMV-IgG阳性率为100%外,其余均为阴性。[结论]血液病患者存在不同程度的HCMV感染。临床上开展HCMV抗原、抗体及核酸的检测,对血液病患者早期防治HCMV感染具有重要意义。
[Purpose] To investigate human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection in patients with malignant hematologic diseases.[Methods] Anti-HCMV antibody levels were determined by en- zyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),HCMV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at the same time in 136 patients suffering from malignant hematologic diseases. HCMV-pp65 anti- gen was determined by immunohistochemistry staining (IitC). [Results] The positive rates of the HCMV-IgG,HCMV-IgM,HCMV-DNA and pp65 were 99.3% ,2.2% ,18.8% and 12.5% re- spectively. [Conclusions] HCMV infects patients with malignant hematologic diseases in varying degrees. Monitoring the pp65 antigen and anti-HCMV antibodies as well as HCMV-DNA plays important roles in the early prevention and treatment for malignant hematologic patients.
Journal of Chinese Oncology