
基于模式理论的混响室概率统计模型及其蒙特卡罗模拟 被引量:11

Probabilistic-Statistical model of reverberation chamber based on cavity mode theory and the monte carlo simulation
摘要 混响室作为一种应用越来越广泛的电磁兼容测试设备,其内部电磁环境的研究受到越来越多的重视.研究混响室内电磁场量的概率统计特征,对于混响室理论分析、统计电磁学理论以及混响室电磁环境的数值模拟具有重要意义.传统代表性的角谱模型由于不考虑混响室尺寸形状,使得室内不同位置采样点具有完全相同的电磁场量统计特征,从而无法刻画不同采样点的差异性.本文结合谐振腔模式理论和蒙特卡洛方法,提出了一种全新的混响室概率统计模型,该模型不仅与角谱模型非常等效,还能体现不同位置采样点具有的不同电磁场量统计特征,从而为混响室统计分析提供了另一种全新的思路. Reverberation chambers (RCs) are widely used equipments in electromagnetic (EM) compati- bility tests. The EM environment inside a RC attracts more and more attentions. The probabilistic--sta- tistical characteristics of the EM components are of great significance for the RC theory analysis, the statistical electromagnetism theory, and the numerical simulation of EM environment in the RC. The traditional angular spectrum model gives exactly the same probabilistic statistical characteristic at differ- ent sampling points with ignoring the size and shape of a RC, and consequently cannot describe the difference among the sampling points. Therefore, this paper presents a new probabilistic statistical mod- el by combining the resonant cavity mode theory and the Monte Carlo method. This model not only is e- quivalent to the angular spectrum model, but also describes the different probabilistic statistical charac- teristic at different sampling points, which puts forward a new perspective for the statistical analysis of RCs.
出处 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期770-774,共5页 Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(11176017)
关键词 混响室 蒙特卡罗方法 概率密度函数 reverberation chamber Monte Carlo method probability density function
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