
EPBS对氚化钛薄膜中氚量及分布的初步分析 被引量:2

Preliminary analysis on tritium content and depth profile of the titanium films with EPBS method
摘要 近年来,我们致力于将氚$衰变诱发X射线谱分析(BIXS)方法发展成为一种准确测量含氚薄膜中氚量及分布的常规方法.该方法结合了蒙特卡罗模拟与Tikhonov正则法,近期已用于一系列氚化钛薄膜样品总氚量、深度分布的分析.增强质子背散射分析(EPBS)方法作为一种快速、无损的杂质成分含量及深度分布的分析手段,在本文中被用于该系列氚化钛薄膜样品的分析,并与相应的BIXS结果进行了比较,对分析中的有关问题也进行了讨论. In recent years, we tried to develop the β-decay induced X-ray spectroscopy (BIXS) into a rou- tine and accurate tritium analysis method for tritium-containing thin films. Most recently, the BIXS method, in which the Monte Carlo simulations and the Tikhonov regularization were used, was applied to analyze the total tritium content and the tritium depth profile in a series of tritium-containing Ti film samples. As a fast and non-destructive method to analyze the content and depth distribution of the impu- rity elements in film samples, enhanced proton backscattering spectroscopy (EPBS), was employed to compare the results with those of BIXS. Some issues during the analysis were also discussed in this pa- per.
出处 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期797-801,共5页 Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(10674097,11175123)
关键词 氚分析 BIXS方法 EPBS方法 tritium analysis BIXS EPBS
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