根据消声器的设计要求与设计标准,基于GT-Power的模拟分析,对某款消声器的结构优化展开研究。根据设定的消声器优化指标,在消声器的结构改进方案中,选定七个优化方案并进行对比分析。结合客户要求,设置权重,按照评价函数进行评价,选择优化方案一作为最终方案。基于DoE(Design of experiments)流程选择的优化方案一,尾管总噪声和二阶噪声有了较明显下降,实现消声器声学性能的较大提升,达到优化目的。
This paper presents the structure optimization of a section muffler, in order to meet the design requirements and standards for a muffler. Based on GT-power software, a series of optimization analysis of the muffler is carried out. Seven candidate schemes are chosen to be compared. Combined with customer requirements, this paper set weight of every optimizing target. Using the evaluation function and DoE (Design of experiments) process, the first optimization scheme is finally determined. It is shown that the total noise of the tail pipe and the second-order noise have a more pronounced decline based on the experimental data, whieh indicates that the design method brings with a larger upgrade in acoustic performance of muffler.
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology