Objective To evaluate monochromatic aberrations (MA) with intraocular lenses (IOLs) using a model eye and Hartmann-Shack aberrometry for measurement. Methods This was a prospective study. Part I: There were 5 different IOL refractive powers (Alton, SA6OAT, +10 D, +15 D, +20 D, +25 D and +30 D). Part II: There were three different +20 D IOLs (SA60AT; Akreos Adapt, Bausch & Lomb; AR4Oe, AMO). IOLs were tested in a fluid-filled model constructed to replicate the optical conditions of a pseudophakic human eye at different wavelengths of 436, 486, 525, 546, 589, 660 and 710 nm. Those images were caught by CCD and analyzed in MATLAB. A single-factor analysis of variance and Pearson correlation analysis were used for statistical evaluation. Results Part I: Positive correlations were found between IOL refractive power and aberrations for spherical aberrations (SA, Z12, r=0.599, P〈O.05), vertical coma (VC, Z7, r=0.817, P〈O.05) and horizontal coma (HC, Z8, r=0.488, P〈O.05). There was no correlation between IOL refractive power and root mean square of total higher-order aberration (RMSh, r=O.007, P〉O.05). No correlation was found between wavelength and aberrations for SA (r=--0.213, P〉0.05), VC (r=-0.074,μM).05), HC (r=0.021, /9〉0.05) and RMSh (r=-0.322, P〉0.05). Part II: There was a significant difference among the 3 IOLs in aberrations, SA (F=74.637, P〈0.05), HC (F=6.719, P〈0.05) and RMSh (F=11.768, P〈0.05). There was no difference in VC (F=1.295, P〉0.05). AR40e had the least SA, HC and RMSh of the three IOl,s. There w^ls no correlation between wavelength and aberrations for SA (r=0.007, /"〉0.05), /C (r=-0.312. P〉0.05), tIC (r=-0.238, 1'〉0.05) and RMSh (r=0.246, P〉0.05). Conclusion The MA ~Jt 1OI,s can be ewdualed in lhis model eye. This is usefid for an improvement iu lhe optical qualily of" IOl^s ~md ~lso eouht be a bener choice for patients.
Chinese Journal Of Optometry Ophthalmology And Visual Science