
一种再生铅低温清洁冶金的绿色工艺 被引量:12

A Clean and Green Process of Low-Temperature for Smelting of Secondary Lead
摘要 提出了一种低温、低碳、无二氧化硫烟气排放、清洁环保的绿色再生铅冶金新工艺。该工艺以纯碱为熔盐介质,含铅次氧化锌烟灰为固硫剂,以焦粉为还原剂,在800~900℃还原固硫熔炼废铅酸蓄电池胶泥生产粗铅,同时以合格的硫化锌精矿回收锌。在理论分析的基础上,考察了熔炼温度、纯碱用量、氧化锌和焦粉用量对金属铅回收率及固硫率的影响。结果表明,在880℃、纯碱与固体物的质量比为2.84、氧化锌用量为理论量的1.1倍、焦粉与胶泥的质量比为16%的优化条件下,铅直收率为96.64%,总回收率为98.06%,94.70%的元素硫被氧化锌固定。 A new green process of low-temperature, low discharge of carbon dioxide, no emission of sulfur oxide, clean and environment friendly smelting of secondary lead was proposed. In the process, with lead- bearing secondary zinc oxide dusts as sulfur-fixing agent and coke powders as reducing agent, spent lead- acid battery colloid sludge was reduced into crude lead and zinc was recovered as standard or marketable zinc sulfide concentrates in the molten salt of Na2CO3 at 800-900℃. The effects of smelting temperature, dosage of sodium carbonate, zinc oxide and coke powders on lead recovery and sulfur-fixing rate were in- vestigated based on thermodynamic analysis. The results show that direct recovery and total recovery of lead is 96. 64% and 98.06% respectively and sulfur-fixing rate is 94.70; under the optimum conditions in- cluding mass ratio of sodium carbonate and solid of 2.84, dosage of zinc oxide of 1.1 times of theoretical value, mass ratio of coke powders and colloid sludge of 16;, and temperature of 880℃.
出处 《有色金属(冶炼部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第8期1-4,共4页 Nonferrous Metals(Extractive Metallurgy)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51234009) 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(13JJ5035)
关键词 再生铅 熔盐 固硫 废铅酸蓄电池 secondary lead molten salt sulfur-fixing spent lead-acid battery
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