
具身化认知进路与自然化的现象学 被引量:3

The Embodied Cognition Approach and Naturalized Phenomenology
摘要 认知研究中的认知主义以笛卡尔的身心二元论为基本哲学立场,将认知看做与物理身体无本质关系的信息处理过程。具身化认知的进路挑战了传统认知主义的这一立场,提出认知研究必须将身体纳入考虑之列。然而,具身化认知研究者们对在认知中发挥作用的身体的理解不尽相同,有的仅仅考虑作为认识的物理和因果基础的身体,有的考虑身体在认知中的功能性作用,而有的则将身体性的意识体验纳入研究之中。在具身化认知进路中,自然化现象学主张将传统现象学自然化,以便在认知研究中吸收其研究成果。根据基本的立场的不同,自然化现象学又分为"激进的方案"与"温和的方案"。 The traditional cognitivism is based the Cartesian duliam which separates the human cognition from the physical body as purely information-processing.The embodied cognition approach proposes to take body into serious consideration and challenges cognitivism in repsect of its philosophical presuppositions.However,the proponents of embodied cognition understand body in remarkable different ways considering its role in cognition,namely the physical and causal features of body,the function of body,or,the bodily experiences.Within this approach,naturalized phenomenology proposes to natualize phenomenology in order to accomodate it into the cognitive research.Nevertheless,the programme of naturalized phenomenology bifucates into a radical proposal and a modest proposal.
作者 赵猛
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第3期13-19,共7页
关键词 认知主义 具身化认知 自然化现象学 cognitivism embodied cognition naturalized phenomenology
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