
洛克与夏威夷檀香属植物的分类学史 被引量:1

Joseph F.Rock and the Taxonomy of Hawaiian Sandalwood(Santalum)
摘要 夏威夷群岛广泛分布着具有特别文化价值和经济价值的檀香属(Santalum)植物,但其分类学问题在20世纪一直没有彻底解决。自学成才的博物学家洛克(Joseph F.Rock)对夏威夷檀香属进行了细致描述和分类,纠正了以前植物学家对弗氏檀香的误解,从此这个属的分类工作走上正途。檀香属分类史案例有助于人们从一个新角度更立体地理解洛克。洛克对檀香属植物的研究成果,被斯台莫曼(R.L.Stemmermann)的工作和魏格纳(W.L.Wagner)等人的《夏威夷开花植物手册》吸收和完善,而最近哈尔堡(D.T.Harbaugh)等人基于DNA序列分析的工作又对全球檀香属的分类与演化给出了全新的结果。洛克的工作并没有完全过时,即使新近发表的分子水平研究成果中也包含着洛克的田野工作。洛克对檀香属植物的描述还有重要的生态学和环境史意义。 The taxonomy of sandalwood (Santalum) wildly distributed in the Hawaiian Archi- pelago with special cultural and economical value has not been completely settled in the past century. The self-taught naturalist Joseph F. Rock (1884--1962) made substantial contributions to the description and classification of this genus, one of which is correcting an error in identifying the species Santalumfreycinetianum. Reviewing the case of sandalwood will help us construct a more comprehen- sive portrait of Rock for understanding him from a new angle. Rock's work removed a key obstacle and paved the way for the further studies of R. L. Stcmmermann and Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawaii by W.L. Wagner et al. Recently the DNA sequences analysis by D.T. Harbaugh et al. gave new insights about sandalwood's evolution and updated the taxonomy of all species around the world. But Rock's work has not become out of fashion in all aspects, and even in the research of molecular level published not long ago, Rock's field work is also found to be included. Moreover, Rock's natural history studies are of great importance to the ecology and environmental history of Hawaiian Islands.
作者 刘华杰
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期112-128,共17页 Studies in The History of Natural Sciences
关键词 洛克 檀香木 檀香属 植物分类学 博物学 Joseph F. Rock, sandalwood, Santalum, taxonomy, natural history
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