
调节角度对整流支板水滴撞击特性的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Regulated Angles to Droplet Impingement Characteristics of Aero-engine Strut
摘要 基于欧拉-拉格朗日法计算空气-水滴两相流场,获得了表面水滴撞击特性及撞击量,并对可调整流支板(调节角度0°和30°)的水滴撞击特性进行研究。计算结果表明:无论偏折角为0°还是30°,支板前缘处都有水滴收集,且沿着弦长方向局部收集率呈越来越小的趋势;而30°支板在偏折处也有水滴收集。同时分析了马赫数、液态水含量、水滴直径对水滴撞击特性的影响,随着来流马赫数、水滴直径的增大,水滴收集系数、撞击水量和撞击极限都是增加的;而随着液态水含量的增加,水滴收集系数和水滴撞击极限是不变的,而撞击水量却是增加的。 The Eulerian- Lagranian model was adopted to solve the Three- dimensional unsteady air- water droplet two- phase flow, and water droplet impingement characteristics of aero- engine struts in two differ- ent regulated angles(0 and 30) conditions are researched. The computed result indicated: To aero-en- gine rear adjustable struts,regardless of the deflection angle is 0~ or 30~ ,water droplets are collected at the leading edge, and the local collection coefficient from the front tip along the direction of the chord shows the trend of smaller and smaller. The difference is that 30~ shuts also collect water in the deflection place. At the same time, the influence of Math number, liquid water content, water droplet diameter to im- pingement characteristics is analyzed. Results show that: the local and total collection coefficient, the im- pingement limit,local and total impinging mass flux increase with increasing of Mach number and water droplet diameter; However, with increasing of the liquid water content, the local and total collection coeffi- cient, the impingement limit keep invariable, but local and total impinging mass flux increase also.
出处 《航空计算技术》 2013年第4期61-64,共4页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
基金 西北工业大学基础研究基金项目资助(JC20110221)
关键词 空气-水滴两相流 整流支板 拉格朗日法 水滴撞击特性 液态水含量 air- water droplet two - phase flow aero - engine struts Lagrange method water droplet im-pingement characteristics liquid water content
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