

The Cultural Undercurrents behind the Romantic Tragedy and Comedy——Analysis of The Legend of the White Snake- Enchanting insights into a mysterious country in the sight of characterization
摘要 白蛇传是中国四大民间传说之一,其情节从明代起历经岁月不断变化,产生了许多立意不同、风格各异的版本,它们体现了不同时期作者的写作意图和当时社会盛行的价值理念。本文以正反两派人物形象塑造为切入点,将这些版本与德国学者赫尔穆特·马特2009年出版的《白蛇传奇——中国的魔法世界》进行对比评析,分析原著中亦正亦邪的人物形象和德国相对较单纯的人物形象背后所隐藏的文化因素,对中西方文化差异进行探讨。 The Legend of the White Snake as one of the four greatest legends in China, whose history can be traced back to Ming Dynasty, has many versions with various meanings and styles, which concludes the intentions of different writers and values during certain period of time. This article compares these versions with the book The Magic of the White Snake- Enchanting Insight into a Mysterious Country written by the German writer Hermut Matt through analyzing their characters to figure out the hidden cultural factors and to further the discussion of the differences between the Eastern and Western culture.
作者 韩梦怡
机构地区 同济大学德语系
出处 《伊犁师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期72-75,共4页 Journal of Yili Normal University
关键词 白蛇文化 白娘子 法海 绝对化 The White Snake Culture The White Lady Fa Hai absolutization
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