Based on analysis on X-ray diffraction, the metamorphic grade of coal in southeast Qinshui Basin was discussed, and a precise evaluation of coal rank through XRD analysis was made, in addition, the correlation of coal rank and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) was compared. XRD spectra of coal shows (002)-band and γ-band, and based on fitting calculation and multi-peak separation methods, the values of 2θ002 and 2θγ can be obtained, as well as corresponding intensities I002 and Iγ, consequently the coal rank can be quantized as the ratio of I002 and Iγ, that is coal rank=I002/Iγ. The research shows that the values of θ002 and θγ increase with the metamorphic grade, and a very good linear positive correlation exists between calculated Coal Rank and Ro.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40972106)
the Major Projects of the National Science and Technology of China (2011ZX05042-001-002)
the Central Universities Fundamental Research Special Foundation of China (292011266)