
国际服务外包经济效应研究综述 被引量:1

Literature Review on Economic Effects of Service Outsourcing
摘要 对国内外服务外包经济效应的研究理论进行梳理,从国内和国际两个方面探讨,侧重于考察服务外包对承接国的企业成本、经济增长、工资、劳动力成本和就业等几个方面的经济影响。通过全面分析服务外包经济效应,我国或者我国的某个地区可以找出现实存在的承接服务外包的效应和结果。 The theory of economic effects of service outsourcing are sorted out, and discussed from both domestic and international. The aspects on the economic impact of services outsourcing to undertaking country are focused on, such as the cost of doing business, economic growth, wages, labor costs and employment. On the comprehensive analysis of economic effects of service outsourcing, the real existence of the effects and results of undertaking service outsourcing could be found in China or a region of China.
出处 《沈阳大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期446-450,共5页 Journal of Shenyang University:Social Science
关键词 服务外包 经济效应 综述 service outsourcing economic eitects review
  • 相关文献


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