要基于Chrt0.35μmCMOS工艺,设计了一种基于亚阈值工作区的一阶温度补偿和I2PTAT电路组成的带隙基准电压源。芯片测试结果表明,电路在1.2 V电源电压下便可工作;在温度-20~120℃范围内,基准电压源平均温度系数<2×10-6/℃。该带隙基准源具有良好的可应用于高精度模数转换器(ADC)、数模转换器(DAC)和系统集成芯片(SOC)中。
Abstract A curvature - compensated bandgap reference voltage is designed based on a circuit that produces an I^2PTAT current and a circuit works on CMOS Sub - threshold based on Chrt 0. 35 μm CMOS model. Testing results of chip show that the bandgap reference operates at 1.2 volts, and has an average temperature coefficient less than 2 × 10 -6/℃ between - 20 to 120 ℃. The bandgap reference can be used in high resolution ADC, DAC, and soc chip.
Electronic Science and Technology