本文拟对近年来我国教育纠纷的特点、成因及其救济机制的完善等问题做一分析。一、中国现实教育纠纷的特点 (一)数量增多,尤其是起诉至法院的纠纷大大增加改革开放以前,教育领域的纠纷虽然也存在,但数量并不算多,而且多以内部协商的途径解决。如今的情况则大为不同。我们可以经常从包括广播、电视、报刊在内的众多媒体中看到有关教育纠纷的报道。
The paper preliminarily researches the characteristics, causes and remedy system of current educational disputes. The characteristics are: (1) the number of disputes increases; (2) the content becomes more complex. The causes are: (1) the changes in the structure of educational rights; (2)the increasing rights consciousness in students and teachers; (3)the maladjustment of educational authorities to the changes structure. In order to solve the problem, the remedy system should develop as follows: (1) to perfect the appeal system for teachers and students who should play a main role in educational disputes; (2)to safeguard the rights of the subject to sue.
Educational Research and Experiment