
基于Weisbuch-Deffuant模型的网络舆论演化模式研究 被引量:17

On the Dynamics of Network Public Opinion:A Research Based on Weisbuch-Deffuant Model
摘要 网络舆论是当前社会管理面临的一项重要内容。借鉴Weisbuch-Deffuant模型粒子交互的建模思想,结合网络舆论生成的特殊性以及个体观点接受度的异质性确立了网络舆论演化规则;然后通过仿真实验分别考察了个体观点接受度μ的分布状况、信任阈值ε以及意见领袖对网络舆论演化过程的影响。实验结果表明,相比于μ随机分布的情况,μ服从均值为0.5的正态分布时,网络舆论会以更快的速度收敛;信任阈值与网络舆论演化过程最终形成的观点簇的数量成反比;意见领袖的存在,尤其是意见领袖的初始观点具有明显的偏向性时,会影响甚至决定网络舆论极化现象的产生。 Gaining an in-depth knowledge on the dynamics of network public opinions(NPO) is becoming a more important element of current social management.Taking account of the forming field of NPO and the heterogeneity of agents,the study builds the dynamics rules of NPO by modifying Weisbuch-Deffuant model.Then the paper discusses the influence of the distribution of μ which is used to denote one' acceptance of others' individual perspectives,the bounded confidence ε,and opinion leaders on the evolution process of NPO by a series of simulation experiments.The results show that,compared to the situation of μ following random distribution,NPO will convenes at a much faster speed when μ is normally distributed with an average 0.5;there is an inverse relationship between the value of bounded confidence ε and the final number of opinion clusters;and,the existence of opinion leaders will bring about the polarization of group's opinion,which is even true especially when the initial opinions held by opinion leaders are too biased.
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期43-48,共6页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"网络集体行动的产生机制:意义建构与共识达成"(编号:12YJA840001) 国家社会科学基金重大项目"中国特色虚拟社会管理模式研究--基于网络关系结构的多主体协同治理方案及其法律支撑"(编号:12&ZD083)阶段性成果之一
关键词 Weisbuch-Deffuant模型 网络舆论演化 个体观点接受度 信任阈值 意见领袖 Weisbuch-Deffuant model dynamics of network public opinion acceptance of individual perspectives bounded confidence opinion leader
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