目的探索DNA IQTMSYSTEM在疑难指甲DNA提取中的应用。方法 15份疑难指甲采用Chelex方法检验没有成功获得STR分型图谱,采用DNA IQTMSYSTEM提取法并纯化,采用Identifiler PLUS试剂盒进行复合扩增,产物经ABI3130XL型DNA基因分析仪检测。结果成功获得15例疑难指甲的STR基因座DNA分型。结论 DNA IQTMSYSTEM方法能快速、有效提取疑难指甲DNA进行STR分型。
Objective To investigate the application of the DNA IQTM SYSTEM in extraction of DNA from nail samples.Methods The genomic DNA from 15 difficult nail samples was extracted by the DNA IQTM SYSTEM and the PCR was performed using the identifiler○ RPlus kit in the GeneAmp PCR system 9700.The PCR products were separated by capillary electrophoresis in ABI PRISM 3130xL genetic analyzer.Results the STR profiles from the 15 samples were successfully obtained.Conclusion The DNA IQTM SYSTEM is a fast and efficient system for the extraction of the DNA from difficult nail samples.
Forensic Science and Technology