
中国海洋文化研究的学术史回顾与思考 被引量:24

Theoretical Construction:A Historical Review of and Reflection on the Research of Chinese Maritime Culture
摘要 中国已将海洋强国、文化强国确立为国家发展战略,以因应全球性大国海洋竞争、文化软实力竞争发展的时代挑战。如何全面系统地认知中国的海洋文化,促进中国海洋文化的发展繁荣,已成为学界因应海洋强国、文化强国两大国家战略不可推卸的当代使命。中国学界对"海洋文化"的关注,滥觞于20世纪80年代末90年代初;"自觉"地将"海洋文化"纳入学界的学科视野并进行系统的研究阐述,始自20世纪90年代末,自此改变了中国海洋文化相关研究、认知分散于各相关学科之中的"学术无意识"状态,并渐次成为学界和社会各界关注的热点:这为学界因应海洋、文化两大强国战略奠定了初步的基础;然而对"中国海洋文化"的系统研究认知,尚受到西方理念与价值观、西方理论与话语体系的困扰,严重影响、滞碍了对中国海洋文化历史的认知评价,也严重影响、扭曲了对中国海洋文化当代发展在目的指向、目标定位及其战略路径上的正确抉择。因此,自觉地系统建构中国海洋文化的理论体系,从而自尊地认同中国海洋文化真真切切的历史辉煌,自信地开创中国海洋文化不仅惠及中国、而且惠及世界的发展道路,是中国海洋文化研究学界最为迫切、也最为关键的任务。 China has started the establishment of national maritime power and cultural power as na- tional development strategies in response to challenges from the global competition between maritime and cultural powers. How to comprehensively and systematically understand the Chinese maritime culture, and how to promote the development and prosperity of Chinese contemporary maritime culture, have become an academic response of Chinese scholars to China's national maritime power strategy and cultural power strategy. In the late 1980s and early 1990s Chinese scholars begun to be concerned about the "maritime culture" as a concept, and in the end of 1990s they "consciously" started "maritime culture" as an academic discipline and systematic studies. Since then, the "unconscious" studies of Chinese maritime culture dis- persed in many relevant academic fields has gradually changed, and a "conscious" study of Chinese mari- time culture has become a focus of attention of the academic community. Now the study of Chinese mari- time culture and the construction of systemic theory of Chinese maritime culture have laid preliminary ba- sis, both of which, however, are still seriously troubled by the western ideas and values, the western the- oretical discourse system, only to seriously affect and distort the contemporary development of Chinese marine culture at the destination, target as well as its strategic path. Therefore, it is the most urgent, critical task of China's maritime cultural studies scholars to consciously and systematically construct a theo- retical system of Chinese maritime culture, to cherish and respect the glorious history of Chinese maritime culture, and to create with confidence a suitable path for development of Chinese contemporary maritime culture which not only benefits China, but the world as well.
作者 曲金良
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第4期31-40,共10页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金重大项目<中国海洋文化理论系统研究>(12&ZD113) 教育部人文社科基地重大项目<中国海洋文化遗产现状与保护机制创新研究>(12JJD82000)
关键词 中国海洋文化 学术回顾 理论体系 Chinese maritime culture academic reviews systemic theory
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