目的:探讨超声引导麦默通微创旋切系统对3.0 cm以上乳腺良性肿块切除术的方法,并发症的防治及治疗价值。方法:回顾性分析56例60个乳腺良性肿块进行超声引导下麦默通微创旋切手术临床资料。结果:60个病灶被B超引导下使用麦默通旋切系统完全切除,每个肿块平均旋切次数为65次。术后仅留下0.3 cm的微小切口,成功率为100.00%。术后出现并发症3例,占5.36%,保守治疗后均痊愈。病理结果显示,乳腺纤维腺瘤55个,占91.67%;乳腺腺瘤1个,占1.67%;导管内乳头状瘤2个,占3.33%;乳腺腺病2个,占3.33%。结论:应用麦默通旋切系统治疗乳腺较大良性肿块既能切除病灶得到组织学诊断,又能达到美容效果,患者满意度较高,是一种有效的手术方法。
Objective: To investigate the operational method and therapeutic value of uhrasound - guided Mammotone biopsy of be- nign breast lesions whose largest diameter 93.0 cm, and explore how to prevent and cure its complication. Methods: Clinical materials of 60 benign breast lesions excised with ultrasound - guided Mammotone biopsy of 56 patients were retrospectively reviewed. Results: 60 breast lesions were completely removed with ultrasound - guided Mammotone biopsy. The mean number of repetitive incision for size between 3.0 cm to 4. 5 cm was 65 (value 41 - 142) . Length of surgical incision was almost only 0. 3 cm, the rate of success removal of breast lesions was 100%. 3 patients suffered from postoperative complications, and fully recovered after conservative treatment. Pathological findings were as fol- lowed: 55 fibroadenoma (91.67%), 1 adenoma (91.67%), 2 intraductal papilloma (3.33%) and 2 adenosis of breast (3.33%) . Conclusion: Mammotone biopsy is a feasible method for relatively large benign breast lesions because of exact pathology diagnosis and satis- factory cosmetic result.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
Breast tumor
Uultrasound examination
Mammotome minimally invasive biopsy