用扫描电子显微镜观察了蒙古高原鸦葱属植物 10个种的花粉形态。该属的花粉形态基本可分两个类型 ,一类极面观为六边形 ,赤道面观近圆形 ,具三孔沟 ,表面纹饰为大网 ,网脊上具圆锥状刺 ;另一类极面观为三裂圆形 ,赤道面观为圆形 ,少数椭圆形 ,具三孔沟 ,表面纹饰为成列的圆锥状刺 ,有些刺间具小颗粒或网纹。另外 ,观察了河西菊的花粉 ,其形状为球状多面体 ,单萌发孔 ,表面饰纹为大网 ,网脊上具小穿孔、颗粒和少而短的刺。
The pollen morphology of 10 species of Scorzonera genus in the Mongolian Plateau was observed by scanning electronic microscope. There are two types of the pollen morphology in this genus, one (polar view is hexagon) is nearly sphersidal in shape, there are tricolporate and netten ridge with spine on the surface. Another, polar view is round with trilutes, is also tricolporate or ellipsoid in shape, but with spines in lines, and for some species there are some small granulation between spines. In addtion, the pollen morphology of the Hexinia polydicotoma (Ostenf.) H. L. Yang was also abserved, it is multilateral globe in shape, there is one germination aperture and netten ridge with short spine, small hole and small grain on the surface. There are great difference in the pollen morphology between the Hexinia polydicotoma (Ostenf.) H. L. Yang and other species of the Scorzonera genus.
Grassland of China