

The Influences of Stimuli Consistency on Post-Error Response
摘要 当错误发生后,人们往往会放慢错误后反应的速度,以避免错误的再次发生,许多研究者认为,这是自上而下的认知控制对错误后反应的影响。为了探讨刺激属性是否也在错误后的反应中起作用,本研究从刺激同一性角度出发,探讨错误反应刺激与错误后刺激的同一性以及反应-刺激间隔时间(RSI)对错误后反应的影响。结果发现,当错误后的刺激与错误反应的刺激一致时,可减小错误后反应时延长的程度,同时,RSI越大,PES越小。本研究得出结论,刺激同一性和RSI作为自下而上的刺激驱动在PES的产生过程中发挥了作用。 People usually slow down their responses after having committed an error for the sake of responding flexibly to the changes cropping in the environment. The match or mismatch of stimuli between error trials and post -error trials and the level of RSI (responsestimuli interval) were manipulated to examine their effects on post - error performances. It was found that subjects slowed down their responses after error trails, but the rate of correct response didnt increase as the cognitive control hypothesis assumed. PES (post-error slowing) decreased when the stimuli inthe previous error trial was matched with the current stimuli, same in the situation that RSI increased. The results indicated that PES was affected not only by RSI, but also stimuli consistency between error trials and post -error trials. It was concluded that both stimulus properties and cognitive control lead a combined effect on the variation of post-error responses.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2013年第1期50-56,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 浙江理工大学科研启动基金(1013815-Y)
关键词 错误后反应时延长(PES) 刺激同一性 认知控制 post - error slowing, stimulus consistency, cognitive control
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