
呈现方式与陪衬人数对目击者照片辨认准确性的影响 被引量:1

The Effects of Presentation and Lineup Size on the Accuracy of Eyewitness Photo Identification
摘要 目击辨认是侦查工作中搜集线索与证据的重要方式,但其实际操作程序仍有着多方面欠缺。研究发现,呈现方式与陪衬人数对照片辨认范式下辨认的准确性有一定的影响。主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)同时呈现方式与序列呈现方式在击中率上没有发现差异;(2)序列呈现的情况下8个陪衬,同时呈现的情况下6个陪衬是最佳的陪衬数量;(3)被试辨认的准确性和自信度之间有一定的相关。 Although eyewitness identification is an important way to search for clues and evidence in crime investigation, it still has a lot of defects in the actual operating procedure. Research has showed that the presentation and lineup size can have some large effects on the accuracy of eyewitness photo identification. They include : ( 1 ) No difference has been found on accuracy between simultaneous presentation and sequential presentation; (2) The number of 8 is the best choice for lineup size in sequential presentation, while it is 6 in simultaneous presentation; (3) There exists a certain degree of correlation between eyewitness accuracy and self - confidence.
作者 周庆
出处 《福建警察学院学报》 2013年第3期31-37,共7页 Journal of Fujian Police College
关键词 目击辨认 呈现方式 陪衬 侦查心理学 eyewitness identification presentation lineup investigative psychology
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