

A Brief Review on RMB Exchange Rate and Foreign Direct Investment
摘要 人民币汇率的变动是影响我国企业对外直接投资的重要因素之一。近几年,东西方学者学者对这两者关系的研究和探讨也在不断加深。文章回顾了国内外学者的研究现状,主要聚焦于在汇率水平及波动对对外直接投资影响的机制及结论;对研究成果进行了简评,表现在国外研究难以本土化,国内研究趋于纯理论化;从加强对发展国家研究、侧重地区性和行业性细分研究、开展案例研究三个方面展望了未来的研究方向。 The fluctuation of RMB exchange rate is one of the important factors that affect foreign direct investment in China. In recent years,both Chinese and western scholars have done a lot of research on the relationship between the two. With a focus on the mechanism and results of the impacts of exchange rate and its fluctuation on foreign direct investment,this paper reviews and comments on both relevant Chinese and western researches. The result reveals difficulty in indigenization of western researches and a tendency of theorization in the Chinese part. From the following emphasizing regional and professional subdivisions,and future research. aspects: giving more weight to developing countries, doing case studies,the paper proposes directions for
作者 王姗姗
出处 《广西财经学院学报》 2013年第4期75-78,共4页 Journal of Guangxi University of Finance and Economics
关键词 人民币汇率 人民币升值 汇率波动 对外直接投资 RMB exchange rate RMB appreciation exchange fluctuations FDI
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