

Study of Mobile IP Multicast Technology Based on MPLS
摘要 文中介绍了MPLS(多协议标签交换)网络与移动IP网络以及IP组播相结合的技术,设计了一种适合移动节点通过隧道传输组播数据的技术。介绍了MPLS网络的网络体系结构,一些重要的概念,如标签以及转发原理。讲述了移动IP组播技术的基本原理和相关知识,指出了其存在的不足之处。着重研究了移动IP和组播技术相结合的技术途径。给出了一种基于MPLS的移动IP组播的技术设计方案,具体描述了相关的实现方法。并在NS2环境下进行了仿真实验,验证了改进算法的正确性和有效性。 It discusses the combination of MPLS, mobile IP and multicast technology. And it designs a technology of mobile node transfer- ring data by tunnel. Introduce the network architecture of MPLS and some important concepts, such as label and the principle of transmit- ting. Then present the basic principle of mobile IP multicast technology and related knowledge, and point out the deficiency. It studies the technical approach of the combination of mobile IP and multicast technology. Propose a design scheme of mobile IP multicast technology based on MPLS. The detailed descriptions of the related realization algorithm are given. With the NS2, the simulation experiments verify the correctness and effectiveness of the improved algorithm.
作者 宗平 王丽莉
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2013年第9期51-54,58,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家科技重大专项(2011ZX03005-004-03) 江苏省科技支撑项目(BE2009157)
关键词 多协议标签交换 移动IP 移动组播 MPLS mobile IP multicast
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