
基于圆弧压头巴西试验测试脆性炸药拉伸性能 被引量:7

Tensile Mechanical Properties of Brittle Explosives Evaluated by Arc Compress Head Brazilian Test
摘要 采用圆弧压头与差动变压器引伸计相结合的巴西试验方法测试脆性炸药力学性能,并将其与单轴拉伸试验测试结果进行了显著性差异分析。以脆性显著的HMX基PBX(PBX-HMX)为对象,研究了不同压头形式对巴西试验结果影响,试验结果表明当试样半径与圆弧压头半径之比为1:1.35时,圆弧压头巴西试验的破坏应力和破坏应变与单轴拉伸试验的破坏应力和破坏应变基本相等;采用1:1.35圆弧压头巴西试验测试了3种脆性熔铸炸药的力学性能,与单轴拉伸试验结果比较分析表明两种方法测试数据比较接近而且变化趋势是一致的,圆弧压头巴西试验可用于脆性炸药拉伸性能的间接定量表征,但显著性差异检验分析表明这两种方法测试结果还是存在一定差异而不能完全等同。 Tensile mechanical properties of HMX based brittle explosives were investigated by Brazilian test with arc compress head and LVDT, and the difference between the results of the Brazilian test and single-axis tensile test was also analyzed by the t check method. For the brittle PBX-HMX, results show that PBX-HMX's break strength and break strain tested by arc compress head Bra- zilian test are very close to that of the single-axis tensile method when the radius ratio of sample to the arc compress head is 1 : 1.35. Then, mechanical properties of three kinds of casting explosive were obtained at ratio of ; : 1.35 by arc compress head Brazilian. The mechanical properties of casting explosive tested by two methods show the same trend and are very close too. So the arc compress head Brazilian test can be used to determinate the tensile mechanical properties of PBX. Howere, the t check analysis shows that there are still some differences between the two methods, the arc compress head Brazilian test can not replace tensile method completely.
出处 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期490-494,共5页 Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金-中国工程物理研究院联合基金(NSAF11076002)资助 中国工程物理研究院发展基金资助(2010B0203023 2009A0203010)
关键词 固体力学 炸药 巴西试验 单轴拉伸试验 力学性能 solid mechanical explosive Brazilian test single-axis tensile test mechanical property
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