目的 研究 SOD复合酶对兔细菌性角膜溃疡的保护作用及其作用机理。方法 在体外向接种了绿脓杆菌的培养基上分别加入丁胺卡那霉素、SOD复合酶等 ,观察抑菌圈的直径。建立兔眼绿脓杆菌性角膜溃疡模型 ,给予丁胺卡那霉素治疗 ,加用 SOD复合酶作为辅助治疗 ,而灭活 SOD复合酶作为对照 ,观察临床变化 ,并进行病理学检查和丙二醛测定。结果 体外实验证实 SOD复合酶没有抗菌作用。动物实验中 ,加用 SOD复合酶的兔眼 ,临床表现及病理改变较轻 ,丙二醛含量较低。结论 兔眼细菌性角膜溃疡中 ,自由基及脂质过氧化参与了对组织的损伤 ,而 SOD复合酶通过抗自由基及脂质过氧化而消除这种损伤 。
Objective To observe the effect of superoxide dismutase(SOD) compound on bacterial ulceration in rabbit's eyes and explore its mechanism.Methods Amikacin and SOD compound etc.were added to agar inoculating PS.Pyocyaneus and the diameter of inhabiting circles were measured.The rabbit model of bacterial corneal ulcer was created and then treated with amikacin.SOD compound was used as an adjunctive treatment while inactive SOD compound as a control.The clinical manefestation and its pathological change were observed and the amlonyldialdehyde (MDA) in the ulcer was assayed.Results In vitro experiment indicated that SOD compound had no anti bacterial effect.In rabbit corneal ulcer treated with SOD compound,the clinical manefestation and pathological change was slighter,the MDA was lower.Conclusion In rabbit's corneal ulceration,free radical and lipid peroxidation take part in the tissue damage.SOD compound can contradict this effect through eliminating excessive free radical and anti lipid peroxidation.Therefore,SOD compound has protective effect on corneal physiology and histological structure in bacterial corneal ulceration.
Recent Advances in Ophthalmology