目的探讨对浆细胞性乳腺炎患者的乳房形态损害最小的治疗方式。方法我院对2007年3月至2010年3月期间门诊和入院治疗的19例急性浆细胞性乳腺炎患者采用中药内服,适时脓肿引流,炎症消退后择期肿块切除的方法治疗。结果全部患者从开始口服中药到实施肿块切除时间63~97 d,平均78 d,肿块切除前有7例接受了抗生素治疗,有12例行脓肿引流手术,肿块切除后恢复良好。术后随访24~48个月,平均36个月,均无复发。患侧乳房形态与对侧一致,乳房表面皮肤光滑,外观自然,乳晕部切口呈线状,不易察觉。结论中西医结合治疗急性浆细胞性乳腺炎具有疗效好、治疗后患侧乳房外观形态满意的优点。
Objective To explore the procedure options in the treatment for acute plasma cell mastitis with minimal compromise to breast appearance.Methods The clinical data of 19 cases diagnosed as acute plasma cell mastitis from 2007 to 2010 were analyzed retrospectively.All the patients were adopted the same protocol as the combination of traditional Chinese medicine,abscess drainage at the proper moment,and the excision of focal mass after the acute inflammatory response diminish.Results The duration from taking traditional Chinese medicine to lumpectomy in all the patients were from 63 d to 97 d,and the average time was 78 d.Seven cases were treated with antibiotic before lumpectomy and 12 cases were treated with abscess drainage,and all the patients were cured satisfactorily.All the patients were followed up for 24-48 months with an average 36 months,there was no recurrence,and the shape of the treated breast remained consistent with the contralateral side,with the natural shape and smooth skin,and an undetectable thready mammary areola incision left.Conclusion The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine could treat acute plasma cell mastitis efficiently and with an advantage of minimal compromise to breast appearance.
Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics In General Surgery
Acute plasma cell mastitis
Combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Breast appearance