目的利用光学相干断层成像技术(OCT)观察6~14岁青少年远视眼、正视眼和近视眼黄斑部视网膜神经节细胞复合体(GCC)厚度的差异及特点。方法就诊于视光门诊的远视眼11例17只眼,正视眼13例17只眼,近视眼25例42只眼,应用OCT RTVue100-2测量其黄斑部9个区的GCC厚度,并进行统计比较。结果远视眼、正视眼和近视眼各组黄斑部9个区的GCC厚度差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。各组黄斑中心凹区GCC厚度值均最薄,近凹区上方区GCC厚度值均最厚,近凹区下方区GCC厚度值次厚。各组组内比较,黄斑部近凹区4个区的GCC厚度均大于本组同一方向中心窝周4个区的GCC厚度(P<0.05)。组间比较,远视眼GCC厚度与正视眼间无明显差异(P>0.05);远视眼中心窝周4个区的GCC厚度高于近视眼中心窝周各区(P<0.05);正视眼中心凹区和近凹区下方区GCC厚度与近视眼无明显差异(P>0.05),其余7个区的GCC厚度值均较近视眼高(P<0.05)。结论青少年近视眼黄斑部,特别是中心窝周区,其GCC厚度低于远视眼和正视眼。
OBJECTIVE To compare the differences and characteristics of the macular retinal thickness of GCC (ganglion cell complex)by using optical coherence tomography imaging techniques (OCT) in 6-14 year old hyperopia, emmetropia and myopia adolescents. METHODS The GCC thickness of 9 macular regions was measured by application of OCT RTVue 100-2 for 11 hyperopia ( 17 eyes ), 13 emmetropia ( 17 eyes) and 25 myopia (42 eyes) cas- es treated in the optical out-patient clinic, then statistical comparison was carried out. RESULTS The differences of GCC thickness of 9 macular regions among the hyperopia, emmetropia and myopia groups were statistically signifi- cant (P〈0.001). The thickness of GCC in central fovea of macular was the thinnest in thickness value, while the thickness of GCC at the upper region near central fovea was the thickest in thickness value. And the thickness of GCC at the region below central fovea of macular was thicker in thickness value. In comparison within groups, the thickness of the GCC near the 4 regions of macular fovea was greater than that of pericentral area in the same direc- tions (P〈O.05). Comparison among groups: no peropia and emmetropia. signifi (P〉0.05); The 4 regions cant difference existed in the thickness of the GCC between hy- of central fovea of macular in GCC thickness in hyperopia was higher than that of myopia (P〈0.05); there was no obvious distinction between the central fovea area and the inferior area near fovea of GCC thickness between emmetropia and myopia (P〉0.05) as the remaining 7 regions of the GCC thickness values were higher than that of myopia (P〈0.05). CONCLUSIONS The thickness of the GCC in adolescent myopia, especially the pericentral fovea area, was thinner than that of hyperopia and emmetrooia.
China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology