
《特响,特近》创伤叙事的多模态话语分析 被引量:3

A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the Traumatic Narrative of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
摘要 美国作家乔纳森·萨福兰·福尔的小说《特响,特近》以2001年美国"9·11"恐怖事件为背景,叙述了九岁主人公奥斯卡的创伤经历。小说以视觉语法、创伤理论为框架,从多模态角度分析了插图和异常视觉符号所表征的意义,小说借助无声的图像和视觉语言来重构创伤事件,展现了灾难带来的创伤后遗症以及奥斯卡和祖父母的心理活动、心路转变,揭示了不同灾难受害者应对创伤的方式,启示我们关爱、互助和沟通是达成人际和谐、人类和解、世界和平的有效途径。 Set in the 9·11 terrorist attacks in the U. S. in 2001, Jonathan Safran Foer' s novel Extremely Loud and Incred- ibly Close narrates the traumatic experience of nine-year old Oskar, the protagonist of this novel. Based on the Visual Gram- mar and trauma theory, the paper explores how meaning is represented by pictures and abnormal visual semiotic in the no- vel. With pictures and visual modes, the novel reconstructs the trauma event and presents the post traumatic stress disor- der, the psychological activities and changes of Oskar and his grandparents. It reveals the different strategies of the victims in dealing with the trauma, and therefore implicates that love, help and communication are the effective ways of realizing harmony, reconciliation and peace among people.
作者 唐青叶 宋飞
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2013年第3期54-58,共5页 Foreign Languages and Literature
基金 上海大学085优青项目"多元文化视域下的和谐话语建构研究"(58-A105-12-006) 国家社科基金项目"弱势群体身份表征的多模态话语英汉对比分析"(10BYY085)的部分成果
关键词 《特响 特近》 创伤 叙事 视觉语法 多模态性 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close trauma narrative visual grammar muhimodality
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