以碳化硅为主要原料,以远红外粉为功能添加剂,采用有机泡沫浸渍工艺制备了碳化硅质远红外泡沫陶瓷过滤板。研究了碳化硅含量、烧成温度、保温时间对泡沫陶瓷过滤板的容重和抗压强度的影响以及远红外粉在浆料中的添加量对污水降解能力的影响;采用电子万能试验机、紫外-可见分光光度计等对样品性能进行了表征。实验结果表明,制备的泡沫陶瓷过滤板容重为0.31g/cm3,平均抗压强度为0.45MPa,(浸泡在10 wt.%的甲基橙溶液中2h)吸光度为0.051;样品对污水的降解效果较好。
The SiC-based far-infrared foam ceramic filters were synthesized with SiC as main raw materials, and far- infrared powder as a functional additive by polyurethane sponge impregnation. The effect of SiC content, firing temperature and holding time on bulk density and compressive strength of foam ceramic filters were investigated. The effect of far-infrared powder addition to slurry on degradation ability of sewage was also investigated. The SiC-based far-infrared foam ceramic filters were fully characterized by means of optical microscopy (OM), electronic tensile testing machine, ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometer. The experimental results indicated that the as-synthesized foam ceramic filters were 0.31g/cm3 in bulk density, 0. 45MPa in average compressive strength and 0.051 in absorbance (soaked in 10 wt.% methyl orange solution for 2h). The samples' degradation ability of sewage was better.
China Ceramic Industry