

Assessment of Vibration Serviceability of As-built Concrete Floors and the Appropriate Span
摘要 大跨度混凝土楼盖的竖向振动舒适度设计是GB 50010—2010规范新增的重要内容之一。由此,既有混凝土楼盖是否满足要求以及如何快速评估满足舒适度要求的楼盖跨度成为值得讨论的两个问题。收集了300多套已建混凝土楼盖的设计资料,进行分类,选择各类中具有代表性的28个实例进行了建模验算,并总结了建模计算的要点。结果表明所有计算楼盖的阶频率均高于规范限值,说明楼盖跨度25 m以下时在满足挠度和裂缝宽度的设计要求条件下可同时满足振动舒适度要求。基于连续模型并利用规范对构件挠度的限值,进一步讨论了满足振动舒适度要求的楼盖跨度简化评估方法。 New requirement for vertical vibration seviceability check for long-span concrete floor is one of the important improvements in the latest design code GB 50010--2010. As a result, whether or not the existing con- crete floors satisfy the requirement, and how to quickly assess the suitable span for a concrete floor in the design stage are two problems that need to be addressed. To this end, 28 existing concrete floors have been selected from more than 300 samples. The vertical vibration frequency of the selected floors was checked against the new code. The results show that all the floors satisfy the vibration seviceability requirement, implying thoe for normal concrete floor (span 〈 25 m) if its design satisfis the defleation and cracking requirement the vibration service- ability requirement will be automaticalling satisfzed. Finally, based on the contimtion beam model and the limi- tations of deflection, the paper suggeses an simplified assessment method for determining floor span that satisfies vibration serviceability requirement.
出处 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2013年第4期45-50,共6页 Structural Engineers
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51178338) 同济大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目
关键词 大跨度混凝土楼盖 振动舒适度 评估方法 long-span concrete floor, vibration serviceability, assessment method
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