
倒塌模拟试验破坏触发装置的设计与试验研究 被引量:1

Design and Experimental Study on Triggers for Component Failure in Collapse Simulation of Building Structures
摘要 为研究建筑结构中关键部件发生破坏后对整体结构连续性倒塌的影响,探讨了几种不同的倒塌模拟试验破坏触发装置,分别是利用电磁铁设计制作的破坏装置,包括剪切型和拉伸性两种;以及利用材料自身破坏设计制作的破坏装置,包括铜质螺杆型和"球铰"型两种。从破坏力范围、破坏性质、可控制精确度以及可重复性等角度对比这些方案的优劣并给出了后续研究的建议。试验结果表明:铜质螺杆破坏装置的破坏脆性较好且成本低,但可控精确度一般且不能重复使用。拉伸型电磁铁破坏装置也发生了脆性破坏,可控精确度好且可以重复。电磁铁剪切破坏型因为拉伸破坏呈延性而不适用于倒塌模拟试验破坏触发装置,"球铰"型虽破坏为延性,但可用于受弯破坏的模拟。 In order to study the impact of components" failure to the progressive collapse of building struc- tures, four different devices were designed and tested to trigger the collapse of the structural model. These trig- gers include one electromagnet-based type with shear failure and the other with tensile failure ; and one materi- al property-based type with copper screw and the other with spherical binge. The pros and cons of these de- signs were compared and a recommendation for further study was given considering the range of failure forces, the failure property, the controllable accuracy and test repeatability. As the result shows, the failure of the copper screw device shows a good brittleness, while the controllable precision is not accurate and it is not reus- able. The electromagnet-based trigger with tensile failure shows a good brittleness, controllable accuracy and it can be repeatedly used. The electromagnet-based trigger with shear failure cannot be applied in the collapse simulation because the tensile failure was ductile. The spherical hinge type can be used in the bending failure simulation though the failure is also ductile.
出处 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2013年第4期146-152,共7页 Structural Engineers
基金 上海市大学生创新性实验计划项目(0200107082)
关键词 连续倒塌 破坏触发装置 脆性破坏 延性破坏 progressive collapse, triggers for collapse, brittle failure, ductile failure
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