目的:评价北京市某社区2型糖尿病居民疾病自我管理状况。方法:采用随机整群抽样调查的方法,在1 775名年龄≥18岁社区居民中筛选2型糖尿病患者进行问卷调查。结果:共筛出137例糖尿病患者,患病率为7.7%;137例患者以老年人为主;超重或肥胖者占61.3%;73.7%的患者合并心脑血管疾病。28.3%的患者空腹血糖控制不理想,19.2%的患者餐后血糖控制不理想;14.2%的患者不监测血糖,只有51.7%的患者能够做到3~6个月检查一次糖化血红蛋白;有19.7%的患者饮酒,16.8%的患者吸烟,部分患者食盐量、食油量偏多,每周运动达到150分钟者仅占48.2%。结论:社区医务人员需要对居民进行有针对性的健康教育和行为干预,从疾病监测和生活方式改变着手,帮助糖尿病居民建立良好生活方式,更好地控制血糖,降低糖尿病并发症的发生,提高居民生活质量。
Objective: To explore the self-management of diabetes among type 2 diabetes residents in a community in Beijing.Methods: Used random cluster sampling method.Type 2 diabetes patients among 1775 community residents above or equal to 18 years old were enrolled in the questionnaire survey.Results: Screened out a total of 137 patients with diabetes(7.7%).Majority of them was elder.Overweight or obesity accounted for 61.3%.73.7% of the patients had cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.28.3% of the patients fasting blood glucose control and 19.2% of patients postprandial blood glucose control were not ideal.14.2% of the patients did not monitor their glucose.Only 51.7% of the patients checked their glycosylated hemoglobin every 3 ~ 6 months.19.7% patients were drinking and 16.8% patients were smokers.The salt and oil consumption of some patients were more.Only 48.2% patients exercise 150 minutes weekly.Conclusion: Community medical staff need to residents for health education and behavior intervention,from disease surveillance and lifestyle changes to proceed,to help diabetic residents to establish a good way of life,better control of blood sugar,reduce the incidence of diabetic complications,improve the living quality.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
Diabetes mellitus