
新标准“注射用克痛宁”临床应用镇痛效果观察 被引量:3

The Analgesic Effect of Injectional Cobra Neurotoxin Purified Judged by the National Standard in Clinic
摘要 目的 评估按国家药品生物制品检定所修订的国家标准生产的“注射用克痛宁” (电泳纯和免疫纯 )的临床应用效果及毒副作用。方法 各种中、重度急慢性疼痛患者 92例 ,肌肉注射给药 ,70 μg/次 ,70~ 1 40 μg/天。慢性疼痛病例一般按疗程用药 ,每疗程 5天 ,急性疼痛病例及部分慢性疼痛病例疼痛消失即停药。以病人曾用过的镇痛药疗效作为历史对照。结果 总有效率 96 .7% ,总显效率 82 .6 % ,首支总有效率 93.5 %。对癌痛组的首支有效率稍低 ,为 84 .2 %。一般在肌注后 30~ 6 0 min起效 ;对急性疼痛疗效可持续 6~ 1 0 h,对慢性疼痛大多可持续 1 2 h或 2 4 h以上。对阿片类药物成瘾患者也有良好效果。少数病人出现轻度口干、恶心、头晕等不良反应。结论 新标准“注射用克痛宁”对各种急慢性疼痛均有良好的镇痛效果 ,起效快、镇痛作用强而持久、不成瘾、毒副作用小 ,且具有潜在的戒毒作用。优于原地方标准的“克痛宁”。 Objective This experiment was to estimate the analgesic effect and side effect of the new injectional KTL (cobra neurotoxin purified) judged by the new national standard Methods There were 92 pain cases including the acute cases and the chronic cases in this clinic experiment 70μg/time, as a rule,once time a day; few was given the second time in six hours after the first time in a day Five days being a course To the chronic cases, usually, the medicinal should be used according to the treatment plan during every course Not using the remedies as soon as the pain disappear in the acute cases or some chronic cases The analgesic effect of the analgesic drugs used by the patient in the last time was as the historical control Result In this clinic experiment,the total curative effective rate of the new standarding KTL was up to 96 7%, The total notable curative effective rate was up to 82 6%,and the total curative effective rate produced by the first injection was up to 93 5% The curative effective rate produced by the first injection to the canceralgia cases was slightly lower,82 6% In general,the remedies took its effect in 30~60 minutes after injection, and this effect could last long time,6~10 hours for the acute pain and more than 12 or 24 hours for the chronic pain The consequence showed that the pharmaceutic had good analgesic effect to the opiate addicative patient Few side effect had occured in this experiment Only least patient have slightly shortly sensation of mouth dry,sick and dizzy Conclusion The new standarding KTL has very good analgesic effect against any pain, whether the acute pain or the chronic pain,which is much better than that of the local standarding ones reported in the document,and have the character of high effective、 long lasting、no endurance and no addication。So, it has the potential to substitute for the addicative drugs
出处 《蛇志》 1999年第4期43-46,共4页 Journal of Snake
关键词 注射用克痛宁 镇痛 效果 临床应用 new standarding KTL, analgesic effect, high effective,long-lasting,addication-dropping
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