目的建立小鼠侵袭性肺曲霉菌病(IPA)的动物模型。方法将90只小鼠随机分为5组,模型组:于接种前4天和接种前1天腹腔注射环磷酰胺200 mg/kg,通过鼻腔吸入浓度为1×1011/L烟曲霉菌孢子悬液40μl。非环磷酰胺对照组:除以0.9%氯化钠注射液(NS)代替环磷酰胺外,其余操作同模型组。环磷酰胺对照组:以NS代替烟曲霉菌滴鼻,其余操作同模型组。空白对照组:用NS代替环磷酰胺行腹腔注射,以NS代替烟曲霉菌孢子,其余操作同模型组。重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)组:在模型组基础上,接种真菌孢子1天后皮下注射G-CSF 20μg kg-1 d-1。通过肺组织病理、肺组织真菌培养和血清半乳甘露聚糖测定(GM试验)等确定肺侵袭性曲霉菌病模型是否构建成功。结果肺曲霉菌培养、血清GM试验和病理切片等结果均表明,模型组和G-CSF组均发生了IPA,其余各组均无IPA发生。结论成功建立了小鼠肺曲霉菌模型。
Objictive To establish a model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) in mouse. Mehtods Total of 90 mouse were divided into 5 groups randomly. Mouse in model group received cyclophosphamide (intraperitoneal 200 mg/kg, 4 th day and 1 st day before inoculation) and aspergillus A. fumigatus conidia suspension (intranasa140 μl/mice, 1 × 10^11/L). Mouse in non-immtmosuppressant control group received normal saline instead of cyclophosphamide and other procedures were the same as the model group. Mouse in immunosuppressant control group received normal saline instead of A. fumigatus conidia suspension and other procedures were the same as the model group. Mouse in normal saline control group received normal saline instead of cyclophosphamide and normal saline instead ofA.fumigatus conidia suspension. Mouse in G-CSF group were given at dose of 20 μg.kg-1.d-1 from 1st day and other procedures were the same as the model group. Pathologic examination, culture of the lungs of mice and GM-test were conducted to determine whether the IPA model was successfully establish. Results IPA was confirmed in all mice in the model group and the G-CSF group 5 days after inoculation ofA. fumigatus conidia based on pathologic examination and culture of lung tissue and GM-test. No-IPA was found in the non-immunosuppressant control group, the immunosuppressant control group and the normal saline control group. Conclusions The IPA model in mouse was successfully constructrued.
Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition)
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
Animal model