目的探讨多排螺旋CT在气管憩室诊断中的价值。方法回顾性分析42例气管憩室的64排螺旋CT表现。结果 42例气管憩室全部位于胸廓入口区气管右旁区域,CT表现边界清楚的含气囊腔,形态不一,内外缘光整或不整,囊内可见嵴状、皱襞样结构或分隔线改变,结合MPR绝大多数(34/42)可发现与气管间的通道。结论 MDCT是确诊气管憩室高度敏感和高度特异的主要检查方法。
Objective To explore the value of multi-detector spiral CT in diagnosis of tracheal diverticulum. Methods To collect 42 cases of the tracheal diverticula and retrospectively review their features of 64-detector spiral CT. Results All 42 tracheal diverticula were located on the rear right of the trachea in thoracic entrance. CT appearances were a air-containing cyst cavity related closely to trachea with clear margin, various shape and layer, and in some of cases, ridge-like, fold-form or dividing line were found in cyst cavity. The channel between the diverticula and trachea were mostly(34/42) found with the help of MPR. Conclusion MDCT is a highly sensitive and specific examination method in the diagnosis of tracheael diverticulum.
Contemporary Medicine