

Cryptanalysis of Low Exponent RSA Given Consecutive Bits of p in the Middle
摘要 Boneh和Durfee运用Coppersmith的方法在d<N0.292的条件下分解了RSA模数N。将RSA离散比特私钥泄漏攻击与小指数攻击相结合,在p,q平衡和p的一个中间比特块已知的情况下,将解密指数的界提高到了d<N0.5。最后给出了实验测试,证明文章构造的格可以运用到实际攻击中。 Boneh and Durfee used Coppersmith' s method to factorize N using e when d 〈 N^0. 292. This paper presents a heuristic algorithm that combines the low exponent attack with the partial key exposure attack given discrete bits. It is shown that if the private exponent d used in the RSA public key cryptosystem is less than N^0.5 , the system is insecure with some bits of p known which is located in one consecutive middle block. Also provided is a clear evidence that RSA, can be cryptanalysed in practice.
机构地区 信息工程大学
出处 《信息工程大学学报》 2013年第4期389-392,401,共5页 Journal of Information Engineering University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61003291)
关键词 RSA小指数攻击 私钥泄漏攻击 大整数分解 格基约化 LLL算法 low exponent private key exposure factorization lattice reduction LLL
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