
应用3.0T高分辨率磁共振成像活体动态观测豚鼠内耳内淋巴液 被引量:2

In vivo Dynamic Changes of Endolymph in Guinea Pigs on High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Hydrography
摘要 目的探讨临床用3.0T磁共振成像系统能否在活体豚鼠区分内外淋巴液。方法 5只豚鼠在3.0T磁共振下行内耳容积扫描后即刻颈内静脉注射钆喷酸葡胺(3ml/kg),注射后30分钟、60分钟、90分钟、120分钟、150分钟、180分钟、210分钟、240分钟行内耳容积扫描,观测内耳内外淋巴液成像变化。结果未注射对比剂前仅能显示耳蜗及前庭轮廓,尚不能区分内外淋巴液,注射30分钟后对比剂首先进入前庭及耳蜗底转及蜗顶,注射120分钟见对比剂扩展到全内耳并有较好的显像。结论临床用3.0T磁共振成像可区分豚鼠内外淋巴液,为研究膜迷路积水提供便利。 Objectives To investigate whether a clinical 3.0T MRI system can distinguish endolymph from perilymph in vivo in guinea pigs. Methods Five guinea pigs were injected with Gd-DTPA via the internal jugular vein (3 ml/kg) at the mo- ment when inner ear volume scans on a 3.0T MRI system were completed. Susequent inner ear volume scans were taken every 30 minutes for 240 min to detect changes of endolymph and perilymph. Results Only outlines of the cochlea and vestibule were visible before Gd-DTPA injection with no distinction between endolymph and perilymph. Uptake of Gd-DTPA firstly oc- curred in the vestibule and the basal turn, and in the apex of cochlea 30 min after the injection. At 120 min after injection, Gd-DTPA uptake was seen throughout the entire inner ear with clear imaging. Conclusions Endolymph of inner ear can be distinguished from the perilymph on a clinical 3.0T MRI system, which may provide great convenience for the study of endo- lymphatic hydrops.
机构地区 解放军第 解放军第
出处 《中华耳科学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期432-434,共3页 Chinese Journal of Otology
基金 十二五全军重大科研课题(编号AWS11J003) 解放军306医院院级课题(编号11QN08)
关键词 内淋巴液 磁共振成像 钆喷酸葡胺 豚鼠 endolymph MRI Gd-DTPA guinea pig.
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