目的探讨带有多肽胶原连接结构域(CBD)的脑源性神经生长因子(BDNF)(CBD-BDNF)诱导面神经再生及功能恢复的效应。方法 140只SD大鼠随机分为三组:对照组20只作为空白对照;A组40只,建立面神经损伤模型;B组40只,建模后在面神经挫伤处鞘内注入CBD-BDNF;C组建模后在面神经挫伤处鞘内注入BDNF治疗。分别于术后1、3d、1、2和4周观察面神经功能恢复、电生理检测、电镜观察神经轴突与髓鞘的变化。结果 B、C组治疗后神经功能恢复、电生理检测、神经轴突及髓鞘变化效果明显优于A组(P<0.05),B组效果明显优于C组(P<0.05)。结论神经营养因子能明显提高面神经功能的恢复;CBD-BDNF具有更好的神经修复及再生作用。
Objective To evaluate the effects of collagen-binding domain(CBD) brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)(CBD-BDNF) on the regeneration and functional recovery of damaged facial nerve. Methods A total of 140 SD rats was randomly assigned into 4 groups of BC(20 rats as blank control),MC(40 rats as damaged facial nerve model control),T1 (40 rats treated with CBD- BDNF) and T2(40 rats treated with BDNF without CBD). BDNF 5/11 was injected intrathecally soon after the facial nerve was damaged in groups of T1 and T2. The facial nerve function was evaluated on the 1st ,3rd, 1st week,2nd week and 4th week after injury. Results The facial nerve function recovery, electrophysiological testing,axons and myelin changes were all better in groups of T1 and T2 than those in group MC(P〈0. 05), which were better in group T1 than those in group T2 (P〈0. 05). Conclusion The neurotrophic factors can significantly improve the nerve functional recovery, in which CBD-BDNF is better than BDNF alone.
Jiangsu Medical Journal