
TBX22基因变异与国人部分人群唇腭裂发病的关系 被引量:2

TBX22 Mutation Associated with Non-syndromic Cleft Lip and/or Cleft Palate in the Chinese Population
摘要 目的:在中国唇腭裂患者中,对TBX22基因进行检测,研究TBX22基因变异或者多态性与部分中国人群唇腭裂的关系。方法:采用基因测序的方法,在100例唇腭裂患者中进行TBX22基因测序,对得到的变异位点,在正常人中进行验证,并对结果进行生物信息学分析。结果:共发现5个TBX22基因变异位点:876G>A(D292N),72C>T(L24L)和其他3个内含子区域的单核苷酸多态性位点。结论:首次在中国人群唇腭裂患者中进行TBX22基因全部外显子区域及附近序列的测序,得出了中国唇腭裂患者TBX22基因的变异情况。 Objective: This study purposed to investigate TBX22 gene population profile in Chinese patients and families with cleft lip and/or cleft palate (CL/P), and examine whether mutations or genetic polymorphisms in TBX22 are related to the formation of cleft lip and/or palate. Methods: 100 CPI (cleft palate isolated) and 51 CL/P patients were enrolled in the study. TBX22 mutations were revealed by sequencing in patients with different cleft types, and analyzed by using statistical and bioinformatical methods. Results: Five TBX22 variants were found including a hemizygous missense mutation 874G〉A (D292N) in a family with cleft lip, one synonymous variant and three single nucleotide alterations in introns. The first is potential pathogenic. Conclusion: The study provided a population profile in Chinese CPI and CL/P patients, and confirmed the important role of TBX22 in patients with cleft lip accompanied with/without cleft palate.
出处 《口腔颌面外科杂志》 CAS 2013年第4期244-247,共4页 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81070813) 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院院基金项目(201212)
关键词 唇腭裂 单纯腭裂 TBX22 变异 中国人 cleft lip with/without cleft palate cleft palate isolated TBX22 variants Chinese
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