粤椒 1号是利用早熟、抗病的辣椒亲本 56号作母本 ,抗病优质甜椒 54号作父本杂交而成的一代杂种。春种从播种至始收 10 3d(天 ) ,秋种 82d(天 )。果实深绿色 ,光滑 ,粗牛角形 ,单果质量 4 7g ,长 15cm ,宽 4 .4cm ,肉厚 0 .32cm ,3心室 ,辣味中等。株型紧凑 ,生长势强、丰产 ,6 6 7m2 产量为 156 4 .94kg ,高抗青枯病、病毒病 。
Yuejiao No.1 is a new hot pepper F 1 hybrid developed by crossing hot pepper No.56 as male parent with sweet pepper No.54 as female parent.Fruit size is 15cm×4.4cm with average fruit weight of 47g,0.32cm thick wall,3 lobe,medium hot and dark green color. Plants is vigorous,high resistance to southern bacterial wilt and virus. It takes 103 days in spring and 82 days in fall from sowing to harvesting. The yield is 23.5t·hm -2 .
China Vegetables