
基于模型诊断的测试序列优化准则 被引量:2

Optimal Rules on Test Sequence for Model-based Diagnosis
摘要 研究了基于模型诊断的测试序列优化准则。对测点的信息量、组件的可靠性以及最小诊断的指导作用这三个因素对于诊断测试序列优化的影响进行了分析,建立了以故障隔离权值为评价标准的测点优选准则,便于诊断测试步骤的具体实施。以Poly-box系统为例,根据系统测试性设计得到诊断树,分别计算了不同诊断树的诊断测试步骤数。结果表明:通过测点优选准则确定的测试序列是最优的。在前人研究成果的基础上将测试相关的理论与真实测试序列相结合,提出了测试序列的优化准则,为测试序列的优化提供了一种参考。 The optimal rules on test sequence for model-based diagnosis have been researched. Three factors- the information content of test point, the reliability of component and the guidance of minimal diagnoses have effects on test sequence optimization. By analysis the effects, the test order for all test points could be gained according to the numerical order of fault isolation weight of each test point. Then, the specific test sequence could be estabIished easily based on the test order. Poly-box system was chosen to estimate the method is put forward. Firstly, five different diagnosis trees of Poly-box system were drawn through testability analysis. Secondly, number of diagnosis test step of each tree was calculated. The conclusion make clear that the test sequence established through the method is optimal.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2013年第24期7072-7075,7086,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11273072)资助
关键词 故障诊断 测试 序列 优化 模型 fault diagnosis test sequence optimization model
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