
唐代度量衡赋与唐前咏物赋“移德”笔法初探 被引量:1

“Moral- Transferring”Technique of Writing in Tang- Dynasty Odes to Weights and Measures and Pre- Tang- Dynasty Odes in Praise of Things and Scenes
摘要 从现存作品来看,度量衡赋是唐代辞赋创作中独有的题材。这种题材的出现与唐代社会经济的发展和度量衡制度的统一关系密切,同时也与科举制度和唐代知识分子广阔的视野有关。唐代度量衡赋的内容主要集中在度量衡的源流追溯、度量衡的规制、度量衡的社会、政治、经济、文化意义等几个方面。在创作取向方面,唐代度量衡赋表现出明显的人文化、经义化色彩。唐代度量衡赋是自汉魏六朝以来,咏物赋"移德"笔法发展的一个新阶段。在这个阶段,"移德"笔法出现的新变化,标志着辞赋由体制外创作走向了体制内创作。辞赋自此走上了下行的道路。 Viewed from the theme of the odes or rhapsodi extant pieces of literary works, odes to weights and measures are an exclusive es during the Tang Dynasty. This is closely related to the socio - economic devel- opment and the unification of the system of weights and measures, and to the imperial examination system, and the wide field of vision of the intellectuals during the Tang Dynasty, too. What these odes are about mainly fo- cuses on the origin, the rules and regulations, and the social, political, economic, and cultural significance of weights and measures. In terms of creative orientation, they demonstrate an obvious tendency of humanization with a tint of argumentation on Confucian classics. And they are a new stage of development and of new chan- ges as well, of the "moral - transferring" Han Dynasty [222 -280], (206B. C. -220A. D. ), technique of writing in odes in praise of things and scenes since the the Wei Dynasty (220 -265 ) and the six dynasties (namely the Wu the Jin [ 265 - 420 ], the Song [ 420 - 479 ], the Qi [ 479 - 502 ], the Liang [ 502 - 557 ], and the Chen[ 557 -589 ] ). This indicates that odes or rhapsodies have entered inside the institution from the out- side. That is to say, they have embarked on a downward road of development ever since.
作者 武怀军 刘培
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第4期83-91,2,共9页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 唐代文学 辞赋 度量衡 人文化 经义化 移德笔法 Tang Dynasty literature odes or rhapsodies weights and measures humanizations tendencywith a tint of argumentation on Confucian classics "moral - transferring" technique of writing
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