介绍了在复杂地形条件下为求取烟羽轨迹和扩散参数而进行的 SF6示踪实验。SF6从塔顶处释放 ,采用居民区面源布点与可能的弧线布点相结合的方法确定取样点 ,气相色谱 -电子捕获检测法分析样品 ,并用最小二乘法计算每次实验的扩散参数。
This paper presents a sulfur hexafluoride based experimental study that was made under complex topographical conditions for the purpose of availability of plume trajectory and diffusion parameters.The study was completed through release of SF 6 from the top of a 100 m tower,and combined sample collection both in residential area and along curve.Sample analysis was made by gas chromatography electron capture method,with diffusion parameter calculated with the minimum square for each experiment.
Radiation Protection Bulletin