
MIMO系统下一种改进的Lattice Reduction线性预编码算法

An Improved Linear Pre-Coding Algorithm Based on Lattice Reduction for MIMO System
摘要 现有LR(Lattice Reduction)辅助的线性预编码算法,在接收机端需要对接收到信号进行平移变换,因而仅适合于点对点的MIMO系统中,然而在广播信道条件下,由于接收机是分散的,且功率尺寸受限,不适宜采用现有的线性预编码算法。针对这一问题,文章提出了一类改进的LR辅助线性预编码算法,并给出了相应ZF和MMSE准则下的具体实现。在该算法中,信号处理主要在发送机端完成,以降低接收机端的计算量。仿真结果表明:文章提出的算法相比现有的LR辅助线性预编码算法误比特率性能更好,因而更适用于广播信道条件下的MIMO系统。 The existing LR aided linear pre-eoding algorithm is only suitable for point-to-point MIMO systems because of the shifting process which is performed at the receiver end. However, under the condition of the broadcast channel, because the receivers are decentralized and their power and size is limited, the existing LR aided linear pre-coding algorithm is not suitable. In order to solve the problem, an improved LR aided linear pre-coding algorithm, which included the realizations under ZF and MMSE criterion, was given in this paper. In this algorithm, the main signal processing was performed at the transmitter end to reduce the amount of computa- tion of the receiver. The simulation results showed that the proposed algorithm had the better bit error rate performance compared to the existing LR aided linear pre-coding algorithm and therefore it is more suitable for the MIMO system under the condition of the broadcast channel.
出处 《海军航空工程学院学报》 2013年第4期355-358,共4页 Journal of Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61179018)
关键词 多输入多输出 格归约 线性预编码 MIMO LR (lattice reduction) theory linear pre-coding
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