
健康女性血清HE4和CA125水平及ROMA值的调查 被引量:13

Serum HE4 CA125 and ROMA level in healthy women of China
摘要 目的评估健康女性血清HE4,CA125水平及ROMA值,建立相应的95%可信区间。方法利用电化学发光免疫测定法检测健康女性血清HE4和CA125的水平,计算HE4/CA125、ROMA值以及HE4、CA125、HE4/CA125和ROMA的95%可信区间,同时分析其在不同年龄组、不同绝经状态下的分布规律。结果健康女性血清HE4和CA125及HE4/CA125和RO-MA的95%可信区间分别为HE4≤82.62pmol/L,CA125≤30.91U/mL,HE4/CA125≤6.49,ROMA≤19.27。健康女性血清HE4水平在60岁以上年龄组高于其他年龄组;50岁以上的健康女性血清CA125水平明显低于50岁及以下的健康女性;而HE4/CA125在50岁以上的健康女性中明显高于50岁以下的;健康女性>50~60岁年龄段的ROMA值低于60岁以上年龄段,而明显高于50岁以下年龄段(P<0.05)。绝经后健康女性血清HE4水平以及HE4/CA125、ROMA值高于绝经前健康女性,而CA125的水平绝经后低于绝经前(P<0.05)。HE4/CA125与ROMA在绝经前健康女性组成正相关,而在绝经后组成负相关。结论本研究可为评估中国健康女性HE4、CA125、ROMA水平及建立相应的参考区间提供一个参考。 Objective To assess the HE4,CA125,ROMA level and establish the corresponding 95% confidence intervals in healthy Chinese women.Methods HE4 and CA125 serum concentrations were determined in a group of healthy women in China with electrochemiluminescence immunoassay(ECLIA).Then calculated the value of HE4/CA125,ROMA and the 95% confidence intervals(CI) of HE4,CA125,HE4/CA125 and ROMA,and analyzed its distribution in different age groups and different menopausal status.Results The 95%CI were HE4≤82.62 pmol/L,CA125≤30.91 U/mL,HE4/CA125≤6.49 and ROMA≤19.27.The concentration of HE4 in &gt;60 years-old women was higher than women in other age.The concentration of CA125 in &gt;50 years old women was lower in ≤50 years-old women.The HE4/CA125 in &gt;50 years old women was higher in ≤50 years-old women.The ROMA value in &gt;60 years-old women was higher than that of &gt;50-60 years old.Women ≤50 years-old had a lower ROMA value than &gt;50-60 years-old(P&lt;0.05).The concentration of HE4 and HE4/CA125,ROMA in postmenopausal group was higher than premenopausal group(P&lt;0.05).The CA125 concentration in postmenopausal group was lower than premenopausal group(P&lt;0.05).Conclusion The results could provide a reference to assess the HE4,CA125,ROMA level and establish the corresponding reference intervals in healthy Chinese women with electrochemiluminescence immunoassay(ECLIA).
出处 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第16期2129-2130,2132,共3页 International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
关键词 人附睾蛋白4 CA-125抗原 ROMA 电化学发光法 卵巢癌 Human Epididymis Protein 4 CA-125 antigen Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm electrochemiluminescence immunoassay ovarian cancer
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