

Limit Theorems of Power Variation for Time-Changed Stable Levy Processes
摘要 研究时间变换α-稳定Levy过程已实现幂变差的极限行为.证明了规范化之后的已实现幂变差一致依概率收敛的大数定律,并给出了除幂次α/2之外其它各幂次已实现幂变差的中心极限定理. This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of the realized power variation for time-changed α-stable Levy processes. The authors prove a law of large numbers, which is the uniform convergence in probability of the realized power variation after normalization. The authors also exhibit the central limit theorems of the realized power variation in all the orders except α/2.
出处 《数学年刊(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期385-400,共16页 Chinese Annals of Mathematics
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.10901100 No.11171303)的资助
关键词 时间变换Levy过程 稳定过程 幂变差 中心极限定理 Time-Changed Levy process, Stable process, Power variation,Central limit theorem
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