本文设计了一个基于内容的EMAIL安全拦截系统模型.该模型从用户的角度出发,为了满足不同用户对不同主题的需求,采用层次智能信息滤波算法和有专家指导的相关反馈学习算法,过滤掉不可信度大于阈值的非法 Email.使收信者甚至意识不到非法Email的存在,有效地起到了安全卫士的保护作用.
This paper describes the architecture of a Security Interception System based on the content of the Email. This system is implemented by using the relevant feedback approach under the instruct of experts and the multilevel approach to inteluigent information filtering. The result shows that this system can efficiently filter the unlawful Email and protect the users from the trouble caused by unlawful Email.
Journal of Guizhou University:Natural Sciences