
成本倒逼,利益引导——合理运用排污权制度消解经济与环境的矛盾 被引量:4

Forced by Cost and Guided by Profit:Emission Right System is a Way to Resolve Contradiction between Economic Development and Environmental Management
摘要 排污权制度是一整套制度体系;是经济发展与环境管理相互之间长期磨合协调的结果;是经济学规律中总结出的成本倒逼和利益引导机制综合作用于企业,引导其自觉走向节能减排道路的指挥棒。同时,排污权是市场机制与政府管控相结合的制度,并非单纯的市场性政策可以实现,必须借助政府的调控作用,才能凭借基准价格和数量控制两个指挥棒应对环境质量和企业成本效益,进而影响企业排放水平,实施有效调控。当前应该注意在试点中领会运用"不争"论,积极贯彻政策,推进试点工作,在重点突破和协调完善的基础上实现制度推广的系统化。 Emission right system is a set of institutional system, the production of the long-term running in coordination between economic development and environmental management, and the baton for enterprises to reduce emissions consciously with the system which is called "forced by cost and guided by profit" as well. Meanwhile, the emission right is the combination of market mechanism and government control system, not a simple marketability policy. With the help of the government regu lation function, the two batons benchmark price and quantity control may control effectively on envi- ronmental quality, enterprise cost efficiency and the level of enterprise emission. Currently, in prac tice, the theory of "no argument" should be well-understood and applied to the pilot, the policy should be carried out actively to promote the pilot work and finally, the system should be promoted systematically based on the key breakthrough and perfect coordination.
作者 李利军
出处 《石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期1-6,共6页 Journal of Shijiazhuang Tiedao University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC790138)
关键词 排污权 成本 利益 环境污染 环境管理 emission right cost profit environmental pollution environment management
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