
Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and Food Balance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and Food Balance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
摘要 The present explanatory study was carried out to investigate the relation between diabetes mellitus and food balance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2005-2010, using published data. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between food balance and diabetes mellitus, using published data on food balances in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2005-2007, published by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2012 and Medical Technical papers and Scientific Reports published on Diabetes Mellitus in Saudi Arabia in an explanatory study. Food balance was calculated per capita and then its level of change was compared with changing of diabetes mellitus in the country. Results illustrated that Saudi citizen daily protein consumption (DPC) during 2005-2007 (g/capita/day) is higher than the average global consumption level of protein with 15.27%, daily fat consumption (DFC) with 24.56% and daily energy consumption (DEC) with 16.93% and increases than recommended level by International Nutrition Organizations (INO) with 56% for protein, 60.49% for fat and 27.37% for energy. On the other hand, DPC per capita in Saudi Arabia decreased during the period 2008-2010 from 88.3 g/day to 82.36 g/day. Moreover, DFC per capita in Saudi Arabia decreased during the period 2008-2010 from 3,247.90 Cal/capita/day to 3,176.43 Cal/capita/day, and daily energy consumption (DEC) of Saudi citizen increases than world consumption with 16.93%, while increases with 27.37% than INO. Despite this, DPC, DFC and DEC per capita in Saudi Arabia were still higher than world mean. On the other side, results illustrated that the number of diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia during the same period (2005-2010). The curve of diabetic patient's number in Saudi Arabia during 2005-2010 is regular ascending with increasing level ranged between 7.10% in 2005 and 12.44% in 2010. It is essential to devise Saudi National Programme to educate the public about the relation of food balances and diabetes, so it could be avoided, and provide citizens with healthy dietary balances tables.
出处 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第8期591-596,共6页 农业科学与技术(B)
关键词 Diabetes mellitus food balance PROTEIN FAT energy Saudi Arabia. 沙特阿拉伯 糖尿病 平衡表 能量消耗 食物 消费水平 阿拉伯人 DPC
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