
Greywater Reuse Assessments on Different Soil Types in Baghdad City

Greywater Reuse Assessments on Different Soil Types in Baghdad City
摘要 he effects of greywater irrigation on four commonly used agricultural soils and models were studied. Sand, sandy loam, sandy clay and light clay soils were selected as common Iraq soils. Soil's chemical and physical properties under different irrigation regimes were daily measured during period extended from February 2011 to April 2012 in Baghdad city and plant growth was monitored. A lab scale models of four acrylic columns of 100 mm diameter and 750 mm height were designed and constructed in environmental hydraulic lab at Mustansiriya University and tests were run concurrently with the characterization study to assess the effect of soil depth and loading rate on treatment efficiency. Soil samples were carried out in a site that had been drained with greywater for over 14 months. Measurements of greywater and treated greywater had been achieved which contains BODs, COD, pH, EC, TDS, turbidity, CI+1, 504+2, NO3+1, Na+l, Ca+2, Mg+2, E coli and coliform.
出处 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第3期183-188,共6页 环境科学与工程(B)
关键词 Greywater reuse soil contaminated SAND light clay sandy loam sandy clay. 中水回用 土壤类型 巴格达 评估 实验室规模 化学需氧量 灌溉制度 欠压检测器
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